Premier Date: November 2, 2005
After obtaining two free semi trucks, their trailers, and a European sports car (a Fiat X1/9) from a fan, the MythBusters rigged up the two semis to crash. After several mishaps and numerous technical problems, they manage to crash both semis and car, but one semi made it to the car earlier than the other semi, sending the car ricocheting to the side. The crash never “fused” together, instead resulting in a horrific mess of glass, metal, and fiberglass.
(This myth was revisited in Demolition Derby Special.)
Comparison of a commercial foot powder wash vs. a Vodka wash showed that the odor was eliminated on both feet.
After a mixture of 1 cup Vodka and 9 tbsp of cinnamon powder was left to sit for two weeks in a sealed flask and then strained. It managed to eliminate most odors on par with an over-the-counter mouthwash. The only bad breath smell not eliminated was from smoking cigarettes.